Thursday, January 27, 2005

Paid Pundit Propaganda? Pfffft!

"Our agenda ought to be able to stand on its own two feet." -- W

W was probably on to something by paying various columnists to back his agenda. Advertising is the oxygen that mixes with the money that is the gasoline that fuels the internal combustion engine of capitalism afterall, as Henry Ford probably never said.

Let's see, we've got the $21,500 contract to Maggie Gallagher to support Bush's $300 million "pro-marriage" initiative. And last month there was the $241,000 contract to Armstrong Williams to promote the No Child Left Behind law.

Blah blah blah... the government shouldn't use propaganda... the government shouldn't spend tax dollars convincing the people that a particular partisan approach is the correct one... blah blah blah. This is all small potatoes. Small criminal potatoes, but still. I mean, this is the administration that paid off every taxpayer in America with a coffer emptying "tax refund" in hopes they would forget what a debacle the 2000 election was.

Here's what concerns me... isn't it dumb to pay off the CONSERVATIVE people to "toe the line"?? I mean, THEY ALREADY ARE SUPPORTING YOU! If you have a quarter million dollars to "advertise" the No Child Left Behind act, wouldn't it be better to get a few choice quotes from someone like Al Franken instead of a conservative mouthpiece like Williams?

FRANKEN: I've been thinking. I've been pretty mean to President Bush over the years, but I think he's really coming around with his terrific No Child Left Behind Act. For a limited time only, you can not leave TWO kids behind for the price of one! I'm serious, this is a great deal you just can't pass up. (Taxes, licence fees, and hidden costs may apply. Some children may be left behind anyway. Not available in all areas.)


At January 27, 2005 at 5:10 AM, Blogger Barry said...

Shoot, I'd pay to hear Franken say that. $20 should do it, it'd probably be twice as much as what he earns from advertisers on his show.

At January 28, 2005 at 1:41 AM, Blogger James said...

Yeah I'd like to hear his show sometime. I'm not sure what a "liberal" radio show would sound like. For news radio, I like to listen to NPR or the BBC, they seem pretty balanced to me.


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